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  • 『인문학연구』 제48집(2019)

    • 등록일
    • 조회수

48집(2019)_1_Jia,Man_The Influence of Western Learning Spreading to the East on LuXun’s Literary Form and Comcept

48집(2019)_2_Guo,Daoping_Wan Qing Wen Xuan and Zheng Zhenduo’s View on the Late Qing

48집(2019)_3_Jin,Chuansheng_Ye Shengtao’s Three Newly-found Short Stories

48집(2019)_4_Lu,Zhaoxun_Three Changes of Mr. Triton in Science Fiction in the Late Qing Dynasty

48집(2019)_5_Hsieh,Min Hsun_May-fourth Intellectuals and the Study of The Journey to the West

48집(2019)_6_Yan,Dongfang_Exploration of the Origin of Science Fiction-take ‘Undersea Travel’ as ans Example

48집(2019)_7_Wang,Chang-Jiang_A study on translation of Zheng Guanying’s Yi Yan in the late Joseon Dynasty

48집(2019)_8_Cao,Shuli_A comparison between Chinese and Korean versions of science fiction Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea

48집(2019)_9_Peng,Ruibin_Interaction between scientific Translation and novel of the same name in late Qing period – take The Diary of The End of The World and Mr.Fa Luo Tan for example

48집(2019)_10_Bu,Lili_A Study on the tabloid’s Literature of Shanghai in the Early Days of New China – Centering on Yi Bao and Da Bao

48집(2019)_11_김선아_김소월의 ‘시혼’에 나타난 ‘미적 아이러니’의 성격

48집(2019)_12_김태연_루돌프 오토의 초기 사상에서 바라본 ‘성스러움’ 개념의 발전과 형성에 관한 소고

48집(2019)_13_서은춘_협동학습이 한국어 수업에서 학업성취도와 정의적 영역에 미치는 영향

48집(2019)_14_양승조_국내 고려인 연구의 동향과 과제; 1984-2018년

48집(2019)_15_장경남_아시아 서사의 상상력에 대한 ‘이야기’- 김남일, 방현석의 ‘백 개의 아시아’

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